Civil Action

File the complaint with a notice to defend, civil cover sheet, and verification.


File a praecipe and a writ. You may download the form from our forms library.


File the petition with an order and a moving party cover sheet. File an original and a copy.

Petition to Open / Strike Judgment

File the petition, using the common pleas docket number of the judgment, an order and a moving party cover sheet. There is no fee to strike a judgment non-pros.

Name Change

File a petition, order for a hearing, order for publication, and a decree. Effective August 17, 1998, all petitions for name change must be accompanied by a fingerprint card of the party filing for anyone 13 years or older. Cards may be obtained at the police departments, not our office.

You must publish in the Montgomery County Law Reporter and the newspaper of largest circulation where the petitioner lives. You must be a resident of Montgomery County for five years, otherwise you must provide a search from all counties in which you have lived.

Proof of publication may be filed, after publishing, or taken to the hearing. File an original and a copy.

Miscellaneous Filing

Motions, preliminary objections, answers, entries / withdrawals of appearance, and demands for a jury trial do not require a fee.

There is a fee for an order to settle, discontinue, and end or an order to satisfy a judgment if the case was filed in 1992 or before. There will not be any fee for satisfactions of judgments or orders to settle, discontinue, and end filed in 1993 or later. There is a fee for all orders to vacate or strike.

Foreign Subpoena

This is filed when a case exists out of the state of Pennsylvania and there is a need to depose a Montgomery County resident or obtain documents in Montgomery County. Filer must provide documentation proving the case exists somewhere else.

Ex: Commission, Subpoena, etc.

Surety Agreement for Insurance

File the agreement and a copy of the financial statement. Include a copy and a self-addressed stamped envelope for the docket number to be returned.

Transfer of Foreign Order

File a certified copy of the order with a certification of addresses. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope.

School Audit

File signed audit. Include copy of first page and a self-addressed stamped envelope for your receipt and file number.